Page 16 - TCOC_2015
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TCOC 2015
Prohibited drugs and substances 25. Should any actual or potential conflicts of
23. Use of prohibited drugs and substances interest arise, the concerned person must
creates genuine safety and other risks at our immediately report such conflicts and seek
workplaces. We do not tolerate prohibited approvals as required by applicable law and
drugs and substances from being possessed, company policy. The competent authority
consumed or distributed at our workplaces, shall revert to the employee within a
or in the course of company duties. reasonable time as defined in our company’s
policy, so as to enable the concerned
Conflicts of interest employee to take necessary action as
24. Our employees and executive directors advised to resolve or avoid the conflict in
shall always act in the interest of our an expeditious manner.
company and ensure that any business or 26. In the case of all employees other than
personal association including close personal executive directors, the Chief Executive
relationships which they may have, does not Officer / Managing Director shall be the
create a conflict of interest with their roles competent authority, who in turn shall report
and duties in our company or the operations such cases to the Board of Directors on a
of our company. Further, our employees and quarterly basis. In case of the Chief Executive
executive directors shall not engage in any Officer / Managing Director and executive
business, relationship or activity, which might directors, the Board of Directors of our
conflict with the interest of our company or company shall be the competent authority.
our group companies.
Q & A
you are responsible for maintaining our company’s customer database. one of your friends
is starting a business venture and requests you to share a few particulars from this database
for marketing purposes of his business. He assures you that he would keep the data as well
as his source confidential. Should you do so?
No. You should respect the confidentiality of customer information and not share any part of the
database with any person without due authorisation.
you have access to revenue numbers of different business units of our company. While
having a conversation with you over evening drinks, your friend enquires about the
financial performance of our company. you do not share detailed information with your
friend, but share approximate revenue figures. Is this conduct of yours correct?
No, it is not. You are not permitted to share financial information of our company with others who
do not need to know this information. Financial information should always be safeguarded and
disclosed only on a need-to-know basis after obtaining requisite approvals. Sharing of any price
sensitive information that is not generally available with the public could also lead to violation of
applicable insider trading laws.
TCOC_Booklet_Revised 27Mar2017 Final.indd 14 3/27/17 2:26 PM