Page 12 - TCOC_2015
P. 12
TCOC 2015
Dignity and respect Human rights
4. Our leaders shall be responsible for creating 8. We do not employ children at our workplaces.
a conducive work environment built on 9. We do not use forced labour in any form.
tolerance, understanding, mutual cooperation We do not confiscate personal documents
and respect for individual privacy.
of our employees, or force them to make any
5. Everyone in our work environment must be payment to us or to anyone else in order to
treated with dignity and respect. We do not secure employment with us, or to work with us.
tolerate any form of harassment, whether
sexual, physical, verbal or psychological. Bribery and corruption
10. Our employees and those representing us,
6. We have clear and fair disciplinary
procedures, which necessarily include an including agents and intermediaries, shall
employee’s right to be heard. not, directly or indirectly, offer or receive any
illegal or improper payments or comparable
7. We respect our employees’ right to privacy. benefits that are intended or perceived to
We have no concern with their conduct obtain undue favours for the conduct of
outside our work environment, unless such our business.
conduct impairs their work performance,
creates conflicts of interest or adversely
affects our reputation or business interests.
Violation by even a single employee of any law relating to anti-bribery, anti-corruption,
anti-competition, data privacy, etc. could result in severe financial penalties and cause
irreparable reputational damage to the company.
TCOC_Booklet_Revised 27Mar2017 Final.indd 10 3/27/17 2:26 PM