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1. We are committed to operating our businesses 7. We shall strive to balance the interests of our
conforming to the highest moral and ethical stakeholders, treating each of them fairly and
standards. We do not tolerate bribery or avoiding unfair discrimination of any kind.
corruption in any form. This commitment 8. The statements that we make to our
underpins everything that we do. stakeholders shall be truthful and made
2. We are committed to good corporate in good faith.
citizenship. We treat social development 9. We shall not engage in any restrictive or
activities which benefit the communities in unfair trade practices.
which we operate as an integral part of our
business plan. 10. We shall provide avenues for our stakeholders
to raise concerns or queries in good faith,
3. We seek to contribute to the economic or report instances of actual or perceived
development of the communities of the violations of our Code.
countries and regions we operate in, while
respecting their culture, norms and heritage. 11. We shall strive to create an environment free
We seek to avoid any project or activity that from fear of retribution to deal with concerns
is detrimental to the wider interests of the that are raised or cases reported in good faith.
communities in which we operate. No one shall be punished or made to suffer
for raising concerns or making disclosures in
4. We shall not compromise safety in the pursuit good faith or in the public interest.
of commercial advantage. We shall strive to
provide a safe, healthy and clean working 12. We expect the leaders of our businesses
environment for our employees and all those to demonstrate their commitment to the
who work with us. ethical standards set out in this Code through
their own behaviour and by establishing
5. When representing our company, we shall act appropriate processes within their companies.
with professionalism, honesty and integrity,
and conform to the highest moral and ethical 13. We shall comply with the laws of the
standards. In the countries we operate in, we countries in which we operate and any other
shall exhibit culturally appropriate behaviour. laws which apply to us. With regard to those
Our conduct shall be fair and transparent provisions of the Code that are explicitly dealt
and be perceived as fair and transparent by with under an applicable law or employment
third parties. terms, the law and those terms shall take
precedence. In the event that the standards
6. We shall respect the human rights and dignity prescribed under any applicable law are
of all our stakeholders.
lower than that of the Code, we shall conduct
ourselves as per the provisions of the Code.
“Good faith” means having a reasonable belief that the information you have provided is truthful.
It does not mean having ‘all the evidence’ about the potential violation or case reported.
TCOC_Booklet_Revised 27Mar2017 Final.indd 7 3/27/17 2:26 PM