Page 14 - TCOC_2015
P. 14
TCOC 2015
Working outside employment with us accordance with our company’s media
13. Taking employment, accepting a position of and communication policy. This includes
responsibility or running a business outside disclosures through any forum or media,
employment with our company, in your own including through social media.
time, with or without remuneration, could 16. Our employees shall ensure the integrity of
interfere with your ability to work effectively personal data or information provided by
at our company or create conflicts of interest. them to our company. We shall safeguard the
Any such activity must not be with any privacy of all such data or information given
customer, supplier, distributor or competitor to us in accordance with applicable company
of our company. Our employees must notify policies or law.
and seek prior approval for any such activity 17. Our employees shall respect and protect
as per the ‘Conflicts of Interest’ clause of this all confidential information and intellectual
Code and in accordance with applicable property of our company.
company policies and law.
18. Our employees shall safeguard the
Integrity of information and assets confidentiality of all third party intellectual
14. Our employees shall not make any wilful property and data. Our employees shall
omissions or material misrepresentation not misuse such intellectual property and
that would compromise the integrity of our data that comes into their possession
records, internal or external communications and shall not share it with anyone, except
and reports, including the financial in accordance with applicable company
statements. policies or law.
15. Our employees and directors shall seek 19. Our employees shall promptly report the
proper authorisation prior to disclosing loss, theft or destruction of any confidential
company or business-related information, information or intellectual property and data
and such disclosures shall be made in of our company or that of any third party.
Q & A
I am an accountant in the finance department of my company. Due to my artistic skills,
I received an offer to pen cartoons for a children’s publication for which I would receive
compensation. I plan to undertake this activity during week-ends. What should I do before
accepting this offer?
Before accepting the offer, you should ascertain whether the company policies and rules require
you to make a disclosure to your supervisor so that the company may determine whether your
undertaking this activity adversely affects our company’s interests. On confirmation from the
company that it does not do so, you would be free to take up the activity. It is also your duty to bring
to the attention of the company whenever there is any change in the situation you have disclosed.
TCOC_Booklet_Revised 27Mar2017 Final.indd 12 3/27/17 2:26 PM