Page 29 - TCOC_2015
P. 29
Political non-alignment Government engagement
1. We shall act in accordance with the 2. We engage with the government and
constitution and governance systems of regulators in a constructive manner in order
the countries in which we operate. We do to promote good governance. We conduct
not seek to influence the outcome of public our interactions with them in a manner
elections, nor to undermine or alter any consistent with our Code.
system of government. We do not support 3. We do not impede, obstruct or improperly
any specific political party or candidate for influence the conclusions of, or affect the
political office. Our conduct must preclude integrity or availability of data or documents
any activity that could be interpreted as for any government review or investigation.
mutual dependence/favour with any political
body or person, and we do not offer or give
any company funds or property or other
resources as donations to any specific political
party, candidate or campaign.
Any financial contributions considered by
our Board of Directors in order to strengthen
democratic forces through a clean electoral
process shall be extended only through the
Progressive Electoral Trust in India, or by a
similar transparent, duly-authorised, non-
discriminatory and non-discretionary vehicle
outside India.
TCOC_Booklet_Revised 27Mar2017 Final.indd 27 3/27/17 2:28 PM