Tata Chemicals underwent a transformation in the early 2000s, by focusing on quality and cost. Once this cycle of change was concluded, the organisation realised safety was essential to sustaining and growing the business. This led to the engagement with DuPont that is a world leader in safety practices.
Senior leadership involvement right from planning, resources, implementation, to review helped the organisation make continuous progress in our safety performance. Every operation has customised globally accepted safety standards and safety protocols to address their unique safety challenges. These efforts are reflected in the reduced number of injuries and our improved overall safety performance. Measuring and benchmarking such success can often be a tricky exercise in an organisation such as Tata Chemicals with its diverse operations spread over continents and jurisdictions.
That is why a benchmark total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) is a great equaliser. It measures the number of incidents per million man-hours and is a telling indicator of how well an operation is doing in terms of safety. This number helps us compare safety records within Tata Chemicals as well as against other Tata Group companies.