Tata Chemicals Empowers the Youth of Rural India; First Rural BPO inaugurated in Uttar Pradesh
Tata Chemicals Society for Rural Development (TCSRD), a community initiative arm of Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL), today unveiled its latest community initiative targeted at the youth of rural India with the inauguration of Uttar Pradesh’s first rural BPO “UDAY” at Babrala in Bhimnagar district. The call centre was inaugurated by Mr. R. Gopalakrishnan, Vice Chairman, TCL and Executive Director, Tata Sons.
(left to right) Mr R Gopalakihnan (Vice Chairman, Tata Chemicals), Mr V K Bhatia ( VP Manufacturing) and Mr Kapil Mehan (Executive VP – Crop Nutrition & Agri Business) inaugurating the BPO.
Situated at Babrala, UP, close to the Tata Chemicals plant, the 125 seat call centre lends itself to provide alternative employment to the dedicated youth of rural India with an aim of creating self sustained community development.
Speaking at the inauguration Mr. R. Gopalakrishnan Vice Chairman, Tata Chemicals Limited said, “The Tata Group is committed to Sustainable development and believes that large enterprises are built with the coming together of the local populace which has helped us attain many milestones. We are confident that this call centre in Uttar Pradesh will become a benchmark in the way rural empowerment is nurtured by corporate India in the coming years. Personally, I hope this paves the way for the industry to take a concerted and pragmatic look at fostering development in rural India; “THE NEW INDIA”
Initially, the call centre will employ 123 call agents, who have been selected and hired from Babrala and the adjoining villages and will be further scaled up to 200 agents by the end of the current fiscal. The call centre will function as a back office logistic support for Tata Indicom customers in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Mr. Gopalakrishnan interacting with the employees of the BPO
Mr. Kapil Mehan, Executive Vice President, CNAB, Tata Chemicals Limited, added “We are happy to collaborate with group companies in empowering the youth of today; despite the general focus of development being urban India. We, at Tata Chemicals take pride in bringing about an equilibrium and equal opportunity for the youth of rural India. “
Promoted by TCL, Uday foundation was established in the year 2007-08 to promote, undertake and assist directly or indirectly any activity that creates employment for rural masses and promotes growth of rural economy and upliftment of people in rural areas. Uday foundation established its first rural BPO center at the TCL facility in Mithapur- Gujarat.
‘Uday Foundation’ will be responsible in identification and selection of human capital and imparting of training which includes enhancing of skill sets as prescribed by the statutory requirements. Additionally, TCSRD will undertake the responsibility of facilitating capacity upgradation, integration and delivery for the business process outsourced by Tata Teleservices.
Mrs. Alka Talwar (Head - Community Development) addressing the public
About Tata Chemicals Society for Rural Development (TCSRD)
Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL) set up the Tata Chemicals Society for Rural Development (TCSRD) in 1980 to promote its social objectives for the communities in and around Mithapur, where its facility is located. This service was further extended to the communities in and around its Babrala and Haldia facilities.
The Society works to protect and nurture the rural populations in and around TCL's facilities, and helps people achieve self-sufficiency in natural resource management, livelihood support and the building of health and education infrastructure. Taking into account the different geographical spread of the three regions and their individual subcultures, different agricultural, economic and development programmes have been implemented in these regions.
Programs undertaken by the society include Land reclamation, Integrated Watershed development, Integrated Agriculture growth program and pond management to name a few. The society has also promoted Okhai- Handicrafts to promote the exquisite handicrafts of the region along with other initiatives such as rural enterprise development and promoting women’s empowerment through Self-help groups.