Magadi Soda Foundation holds its second annual education day
The Magadi Soda Foundation held its 2nd annual education day on 12th July 2019, an event, that brought together students, parents, teachers, alumni and, all education stakeholders from Magadi ward and the entire county of Kajiado to review the status of education in Magadi ward and mobilize stakeholders towards improved educational outcomes.
The Foundation Manager, David Aoll, keen on promoting lifelong learning and said: “The Foundation is keenly aligning its programs to SDG number four-and working continuously to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The foundation and its founder have so far provided bursaries to 1665 students with over 150 graduates and five post graduate beneficiaries. In support of the above, the foundation will continue to focus on the following activities in the next five years:
1. Establish relationships with government entities and higher education institutions to improve education curricula to better align with business needs including responsible management.
2. Create programs (e.g., internships, work-study programs, traineeships, etc.) that give students earlier access to the corporate environment.
3. Develop cost-effective education products and services that eliminate barriers to access and improve the quality of learning (e.g., ICT solutions to improve the delivery of education, innovative measurement tools, etc.).
4. Ensure learning environments are clean and safe for children by mitigating business- related environmental hazards, like pollution and limited water access.
5. Improved access to quality education through a sustainable and effective bursary program.”
The Foundation has worked closely with all the twenty-five schools in Magadi Division, teachers and parents to improve the standards of education in Magadi and Kajiado County and provide access to quality education especially for bright and needy students.